vendor details:
There is no rain date. Once you have been accepted there are no refunds.
Application and payment must be completed (postmarked) by April 1. Late applications are subject to a $50 late fee.
No refunds after your application has been accepted or after April 1.
NO LATE OPENINGS, NO EARLY CLOSINGS, NO EARLY BREAKDOWNS, NO EXCEPTIONS. Anyone not complying with this rule will not be allowed to return next year.
Festival hours: Friday 6pm-9-am, Saturday 9am-4 pm.
Locations will be assigned in order to accommodate the multiple truck sizes and available land space.
Neither The Art Village or the City of Versailles is responsible for any loss or damage incurred to the exhibitors’ property. The exhibitor also agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the The Art Village or the City of Versailles, KY against any claim arising by virtue of their occupancy of the premises or the use thereof. The Art Village suggests packing and securing any valuable products overnight.
Security will be provided overnight Friday night.
Vehicles belonging to the food trucks are not allowed into the festival area during festival hours.
Drilling or defacing the streets or sidewalks by anchors will not be permitted.
A copy of your Certificate of Insurance must be submitted with your application. The certificate of insurance must include: a)minimum of $1,000,000 in coverage, each occurrence and aggregate. b) The Art Village / City of Versailles must be designated as the certificate holder. c) The certificate shall provide coverage for the dates of the Art in the Park festival. The effective date and the expiration date must appear on the certificate.
Food vendors are required to complete the attached menu form listing all the foods to be sold at the festival. The will be the list the Art in the Park committee will use to pre-approve all food and beverages sold at the festival. The Art in the Park committee may limit the number of items you sell in order to reduce duplication of food vendor sales. Our goal is ensure maximum profit to those food vendors participating in the Art in the Park festival.
The Woodford County Health Department requires Health Permits for each food vendor. The processing time is approximately three (3) weeks. Their phone number is 859-879-4541. The Woodford County Health Department is located at: 229 Main Street, Versailles, KY 40383 Attn: Env. Department
Due to the lack of easily accessible electricity, food vendors will be allowed to bring quiet generators.
Contact information: The Art Village, Deanna Ramsey, Treasurer PO Box 806, Versailles, KY 40383, 859-421-7904, Email: theartvillageinc@gmail.com